30 days to write and sell a book: Week 1 update

Kovid Bhaduri
4 min readMar 7, 2021


Hi there! I’m Kovid, and I’m currently on a journey to co-author and sell a book in 30 days.

Throughout this month, I’ll be working on writing, editing, promoting, publishing, and hopefully selling a handbook on productivity. All that I do will be documented in a project, along with guides and video explanations to provide additional context.

I’ll post a recap post every week, outlining what I’ve been working on!

This is my first weekly breakdown. This week, (apart from writing) I’ve been working on some organization and planning.

I’ve also faced the challenge of finding effective communication/collaboration channels with my co-author, which I‘ve worked around. Read on to learn more!

What I’ve been working on-

With this week, my focus was mainly on ensuring I have a solid base to do my work for the upcoming month. So, there was a lot of attention on ensuring that I had all necessary systems in place and that my content for the book was planned out. Here’s a list of all that I did-

Brainstormed ideas and fleshed out the main content for the book- I used miro to brainstorm ideas and flesh out the main content. Since I am co-authoring this book, it was necessary to have a common understanding of the topics we were going to cover. Miro provided an awesome platform for us to put our ideas together and reach a common understanding. ( I also made a short guide to the software, so make sure you check out the Projects section below!)

Outlined my entire project- I wrote a week-by-week outline of all that I need to do in order to get my desired goals of the project. I tried to incorporate all my writing, ancillary, and documentation goals in my outline so that I could keep track of everything.

Made a project management system with the goals I had decided- After I had decided all that I needed to do, I arranged it in an easy to view and keep track of system using Airtable. Airtable can be a lifesaver in organizing big projects, and I explain how I used it to help mine, in an additional blog post I wrote down below! (check the projects section.)

I created the outline for a landing page- By the time the month is over, I want to house this entire project with every week’s recap post, additional articles created, and all the copy in a single landing page. This week, I hashed out what that page would look like.

I began writing my book- After having worked out the contents, I and Waris, my co-author have set to work. This week, we’ve written over 3,500 words. We plan to increase this number in the coming weeks.

Projects created

Apart from writing the book and creating this weekly recap post, I have created two additional short blogposts to give you some insight into my process. Check them out below!-

  1. Using Airtable to stay on top of everything.
  2. Miro, and why it’s so good for creative collaboration.

A small parting gift

Thanks for taking an interest in this project! As a small gift, here’s a sneak peek into one of the chapters-

The concept of work hard, play hard has been gaining a lot of popularity in recent years. We somehow understand that the only way to get rid of our brain’s tiredness is to really excite it with more energetic stuff.

That really doesn’t sound very scientific if you ask me.

Don’t get me wrong, “playing hard” can be really attractive and entertaining. Sometimes, it really is what you need to get rid of your work stress. But is it sustainable? If the time you have for yourself is also “hard” play, it might just feel the same to your brain, even if it’s entertaining. Think about it sometime.

See you next week! (;



Kovid Bhaduri
Kovid Bhaduri

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